At Edge of Strength, getting stronger and moving better go hand and hand.

No matter your starting point, Ocala’s Top Functional Strength and Movement Pros will meet you there.

Together we can restore and build a lasting foundation of strength and vitality!

You Can Feel Whole Again.

Many People these days feel “Stuck” in their own bodies.

Living with aches, pains, limitations.

Lacking confidence in movement because of past injuries, or maybe you’ve resigned to the idea that it’s all just a part of getting older. It’s not.

There’s Hope!

As the only OS Certified Professional in Ocala, it’s my privelege to show you that you are never “Stuck”. Helping you get back to moving well and feeling great is what we do.

Regardless of age or current ability, you can learn to “Press Reset” and restore your breathing, balance, posture, mobility, and gain the freedom and vitality you may have long forgotten you had through simple, safe movements anyone can do.

Resets refresh and nourish your vestibular system, your nervous system, they clean up movement compensations and can quell aches and pains. Giving you a fresh outlook on what you are capable off!

It’s truly magic, it’s our Original design, and it’s Proof our Creator Loves US!

You Can FeeL Strong Again.

Science continues to confirm, the Stronger you are, the lower your risk of all kinds of nasty chronic issues associated with un-healthy aging and/or today’s sedentary lifestyle.

If you aren’t training to progressively increase full-body strength over time, you are missing out on the most POWERFUL MEDICINE there is.

Here at Edge Of Strength, you’ll master the fundamental movements, scaled to you, in a safe, effective manner and gain the Strength you need to do all the things you love and do them for a long time to come!

Our Principled approach to Functional Strength training as StrongFirst certified coaches means you can count on training that builds you up and never breaks you down!

You’ll feel Stronger after your very first session!


At Edge of Strength we’re not about flash, fads, gimmicks or novelty, we’re about RESULTS.

Our studio may be small , but it’s packed with Heart, passion, knowledge and experience unlike any you will find in a typical commercial gym or Crossfit box anywhere in Ocala.

Our tools and methods are simple because what’s tried and true usually is.


  • Move More and Restore

    A special package for 55 and over athletes of aging and those on fixed incomes.

    Restore and improve mobility, balance, increase full-body strength and reduce the risk of falls/injuries.

    Starting at just $79/month*

  • Strong and Supple

    Build Lasting Strength, Muscle, and Movability.

    Train 45 minutes 2-3X per week solo or with a partner.

    Starting at $275/month P.P.

  • 30STRONG

    Short and Sweet 30 Minute sessions focused on Strength and conditioning 3-5x per week.

    Starting at $238/Month

Get Started Today

Free Consultations
By Appointment

Call or Text Coach Q

