You were born Strong, you must’ve forgot..

I get it, we’re no longer fending off Sabertooth tigers or plowing fields all day, but that doesn’t give you the excuse to be WEAK….The research at this point is overwhelming and undeniable. Strength is paramount to the prevention of age-related illnesses, cancer, diabetes, chronic joint pain, and a host of other conditions that come simply as a result of being weak. Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing people complain about conditions that they have an inherent ability to change.

I want you to consider this….Is there ever a time whether we’re talking emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually where being Weak is of benefit? My answer…ABSOLUTELY NOT. So why then do we think it is somehow okay to go through life allowing ourselves to become weak? If our ancestors had not maintained some level of physical strength, we would not be here. Strength was required in order to evolve yet somehow we forgot that and as a society, we are seeing the impacts as weakness and fraility has become the norm.

Our creator gave the human species incredible qualities and abilities …Now because they were given to us, like so many things we get for free, we come to take them for granted. To me, it’s an insult to our creator to not embrace our strength, to be who he put you here to be, strong and capable, so that you may serve others and advance life. When you neglect this inherent quality, you are forsaking the very thing that first allowed you to develop and grow. 

From the womb, we begin to develop strength through the elegantly and divinely inspired program known as the developmental sequence. From the first breath we take our diaphragm, our center, and foundation, begins to grow stronger…through time, that diaphragm allows us to have a stable center,  from which we then gain the ability to move our limbs and make our way to our belly where we then begin to move our heads around. Those gigantic heads, become our first experience in weight lifting as we begin to look all around with them to discover and understand our environment meanwhile developing the natural curvature of the spine and teaching us to hold our head and eyes on the horizon, developing our ability to balance and strengthening the vestibular system.  

Once we gain a little control ( by getting stronger) of our head movements, we find ourselves able to roll over, and over, and over, further developing our vestibular system and laying the foundation for contralateral movement ( aka walking) by tying together opposite hips and shoulders together and coordinating them. This layer of strength sets us to be able to hold ourselves up on our hands and knees. 

Once on hands and knees, we can rock back and forth, which develops our reflexive stability, learning to hold ourselves in space, and resist gravity. We rock for a while...until our little eyes fix upon something in the distance, and we begin to crawl…further strengthening our limbs, shoulders, back, and hips … solidifying the core, stability around the spine, and knitting us even more tightly through the connection of the “four knots” …the hips and shoulders until we eventually grab hold of that chair we’ve been crawling towards and perform our first squat and stand up. From that point, it’s off to the races…but for so many, this is where our appreciation and engagement in the divine program ends.

Somewhere along the way, strength becomes an afterthought…you go on with your life valuing everything but the very thing that made your life possible to begin with. 

Whether you’re like me and feel that our design was divinely inspired or you believe in the Darwinian theory, one thing you cannot deny is that Strength played a huge role in creation and evolution in a micro and macro sense and that by neglecting it, you are neglecting life, both for you and our species moving forward. It is no wonder, as harsh as it may sound, that as we have become weaker and more frail, we see it correlate directly with a rise in conditions of chronic pain, illness, disease…maladies of a time when we have forgotten our creator and the strength HE blessed us with and the strength that makes it possible to be there for others and live the life HE needs you to live so that WE may advance. 

In nature, things that are alive are growing, if something stops growing be it a tree, a blade of grass, or a human being, it is the first sign of death. Strength is alive, it grows, it keeps you growing. Weakness is frailty, decay, sickness, and death. 

Your Choice. 

Stay Strong, Stay supple, stay knitted- Coach Q.




The Kettlebell…What’s all the fuss?