Head/Neck Nods and Turns

Activation of the Vestibular system through movement of the head and eyes is crucial. The V.S. is directly linked to every muscle in your body and is at the root of developing reflexive stability which is your body’s ability to tense and relax the right muscles at the right times.

Head nods and rotations not only stimulate your vestibular system but they also mobilize your thoracic spine. Lack of thoracic mobility is often noted as a root cause of restricted mobility through the shoulders, impingement, and poor posture.

The Vestibular system is also the root of our balance system. Problems with balance and coordination are often a symptom of a VS that has not been nourished with good inputs in a long time. Simply moving your eyes, head and neck through its maximum pain-free range of motion can restore your balance.

Always keep your tongue in the roof of your mouth, breathe nasally, and move where your body allows. Gradually, your range of motion will increase and those tight shoulders and stiff neck back will be a thing of the past!


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